Among the team's findings are that when a male chief executive has a baby, his workers 'salaries shrink by 0.2 percent, or about$ 100 per year, reports The Wall Street Journal. 据《华尔街日报》报道,该团队研究发现,当一位男性总裁有新宝宝出生时,他的员工的薪水将缩水0.2%,相当于年薪减少约100美元。
While giving shareholders a say on executive salaries. 而给予股东们一个管理人员工资的说法。
Industry Difference Analysis of the Correlation between Executive Salaries and Firm Performance 高管人员薪酬与绩效关系的行业性差异分析
To address the massive costs of repairing the nuclear plants and paying compensation claims, he said, the company plans a restructuring that includes cutting executive salaries. 他说道,为了应对修理核电厂而产生的巨大的花销以及支付索赔金这些问题,公司计划着进行包括削减领导层的薪水在内的重组。
While median wages have stagnated, record executive salaries are legion. 虽然员工的薪资中值不见增长,但创纪录的高管薪金却屡见不鲜。
It is best to project the costs semi-annually, including increased executive salaries and other projected costs. 最好半年预测一次成本,包括新增加的管理人员的工资和其他预计成本。
It is far too easy to blame the crisis of capitalism on global finance and sky-high executive salaries. 将资本主义危机归咎于全球金融和高得离谱的高管薪酬实在太简单了。
Financial risk brought a negative impact on salaries; capital structure would affect executive compensation. ( 2) Regardless of the nature of the ultimate controller, the listed companies 'managers' salaries were positively correlated with management power. 财务风险给薪酬带来了负向影响,资本结构会影响高管薪酬。(2)不管在哪种性质的最终控制人控制的上市公司中管理者权力都与薪酬存在正相关关系。